After the "Da Vinci" era furniture industry may reshuffle

In recent days, Leonardo da Vinci's falsification of furniture has been flooded in various media such as TV, Internet, and newspapers. It has become a daily negotiating event for the furniture industry. It seems that Da Vinci's "eggs" are really broken, but this may be Just the tip of the iceberg, on the other hand, how many "Da Vinci" are in the furniture industry? How will Da Vinci's broken eggs affect the furniture industry?

The current Chinese furniture industry is in a chaotic state. According to statistics, the capacity of the Chinese furniture market will reach 1 trillion yuan in 2011, and there are more than 50,000 domestic furniture companies. Such a large consumption potential and huge consumption. How can groups not be blinded? With the improvement of people's living standards and the improvement of aesthetic ability, the demand for furniture and replacement are accelerated. It seems that furniture has changed from a large durable consumer product to a must-have for consumers.

From the perspective of market reality, consumers have a greater need for various kinds of furniture due to their different aesthetic points, spending power and different needs. Furniture products are between cold attention and hot attention. Product, cold attention refers to people generally rarely deliberately to understand the furniture market, only when needed, will be on the network to find or go directly to the furniture store selection, will be short-term purchase orders, so consumers of furniture products It is relatively unfamiliar, but with shallow knowledge in the selection, there is no deep understanding of furniture.

Hot attention means that furniture is a must-have item for every consumer's family. It almost seems to be familiar and well-understood when dealing with furniture almost every day. The result of the crossover between heat and heat is that consumers only perceive emotions in furniture products and do not understand them as they imagine. Therefore, it also leads to the blindness and randomness of consumers' choice of furniture. This has led to the existence of a living space for furniture companies and furniture brands with different quality and different quality. They can get a cup of cake from 1 trillion in size. soup.

In addition, the furniture industry itself also has features that facilitate its own development. The furniture industry has relatively few new technologies and new processes, and it is generally difficult to have too many innovations in production, raw materials, and technology. The entry threshold can be very low, and you can have hundreds of millions of people in your hands to open a new one. Small furniture factory. As for plagiarism and imitation of design, it has become the unspoken rules and well-known secrets of the furniture industry. How many furniture companies in the country have their own independent designers? Most of them are found in various exhibitions, stores, and networks to reproduce prototypes. This has also caused a serious homogenization of the furniture industry, making consumers difficult to distinguish between true and false, thieves thief crying often happened.

Looking back at the various brands on the market, almost 60% of the brands took a foreign name that looks like an international big name, not only in the furniture industry, but also in clothing, building materials, cosmetics and other industries. Before liberation, China was full of real foreign devils dominating and oppressing the people. After liberation, all sorts of “false foreign devils” deceive consumers. It is truly the sadness of the people when they think about it. Real foreigners and devils are all bullies. The furniture produced by small factories in Dongguan, Shenzhen, Shunde, Conghua, Chengdu, Xianghe, etc., has doubled in value after foreign names, foreign cultures, and foreign theory were processed. To tell people that they come from distant Europe and the United States (or raw materials, technology, technology from Europe and the United States).

The splendid decoration of the terminal store has also become the mysterious cloak of these "false foreign devils" and has even packaged itself as an authentic foreign devil. Saying that so many fake foreigners are really cultivated by Chinese consumers themselves. Under certain mechanisms, most consumers believe that foreign moons are more rounded than Chinese ones. Foreign monks can chant the scriptures. Since foreign things are so good, they must be right. The foreign devils looked at the other eye. It is well known that this kind of psychology was precisely seized by the merchants who specialize in “false foreign devils.” This is precisely what they should say: They dig themselves into pits.

Jiuzheng Building Materials Co., Ltd. has always been looking forward to the arrival of the furniture industry integration era, and has always hoped that the furniture industry can develop in a more standard direction. If the infant milk powder and electrical appliances industries can be highly integrated, the interests of consumers will be greatly enhanced. Secured, this time the Leonardo da Vinci incident may be an opportunity.

Based on past experience, Xiaobian thinks that there are usually three opportunities for rapid integration of the industry:

First, the introduction of industry standards. When an industry develops to a certain stage, the government or industry association will formulate a series of industry standards and regulations, and vigorously promote it. Large enterprises and enterprises with rapid transformation ability will take a favorable turn or move on a smoother track. Enterprises that are in compliance with the regulations or cannot be transformed quickly will therefore be destroyed and disappear. For example, in the iron and steel industry, in July 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Standards for the Production and Operation of the Iron and Steel Industry”. In early August, the company announced to the public that the list of backward production capacity enterprises was eliminated. In the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, a total of 117 million tons of backward iron-making capacity could be eliminated. Steel capacity is 69 million tons. Undoubtedly, the government's standards and regulations objectively promoted the development of the steel industry and standardized the development of the entire steel industry.

Second, the occurrence of industrial crisis. There may be multiple reasons for the outbreak of the industry crisis. Or the consumer complaints cause the country or the industry to attach great importance, or fake and shoddy products cause major social events, prompting the entire industry to automatically change, or the industry to become a competitor Cause internal turmoil. I remember that the outbreak of the Xiangyang Big-headed Doll incident in 2004 caused great social attention. A large number of counterfeit and inferior milk powders were investigated. The consumers’ choice of infant formula became rationalized immediately. Sanyuan, Yashili, Nanshan, Beinmei, and Qin A batch of domestic brands of milk powder such as Pelicans, Flying Cranes, and Sanlu quickly emerged, occupying almost 90% of the nation's second, third, and fourth-tier milk powder markets. Many unknown small-sized milk powder companies have closed down. The outbreak of melamine milk powder incident in 2008 further shuffled the milk powder industry for infants and young children. The Sanlu with an annual output value of more than 100 billion yuan has collapsed. The large dairy companies such as Shengyuan and Mengniu have also been hit differently. A serious industry confidence crisis almost destroyed China's dairy industry. The same is true of the European Code flooring incident. In 2006, 3.15 CCTV unveiled the face of counterfeit foreign devils in Europe and the entire floor industry received more attention, virtually promoting the sound development of the flooring industry. Although Electrolux’s published cost price strategy did not eventually recover its own failure to withdraw from the Chinese market, it triggered a major turmoil in the Chinese air-conditioning market, and many small and medium-sized companies were disappointed. Since then, the profits of the entire air-conditioning industry have been reduced. The benefits of fishermen.

Third, the market competition has intensified. With the development of the Chinese market economy, many small and medium-sized enterprises have sprung up all night. They have brought various kinds of capital into various industries. The competition among enterprises in the industry has become incandescent, and this fierce competition has been greatly shortened. In the development cycle of the industry, enterprises with clear ideas have developed rapidly and far ahead, and have rapidly formed a situation of several major oligopolistic competitions. A large number of slow-growing enterprises have gradually withdrawn from the arena of competition. Since then, the industry has entered the stage of oligopoly competition, and the quality and service In other areas, consumers have received more protection. As we are most familiar with the home appliance industry, in the 1990s, large and small household electrical appliance companies grew up. With the development of science and technology and the intensification of competition, the entire industry experienced several shuffles in just 10 years. Now Haier, Midea, Changhong, and Konka are formed. The pattern of co-existence of several major oligarchs such as Gree and Gree under this situation has caused any company to face tremendous pressure and challenges. It has also shifted from competition in quality and price to competition in personalized services such as health, environmental protection, and services. Achieved a healthy development. In the area of ​​home appliances circulation, the appearance of Suning, Gome, Renmin Electric, and Dazhong specialized stores has aggravated the competition in the industry. They have continued to expand their territories and improve service quality, which has rapidly led to the collapse of traditional department stores and home appliance stores. Since then, it has been sluggish.

What the furniture industry is now facing is a precursor to the industry crisis. Occurrence of an industry crisis is usually due to a problem with a certain brand, which causes more people’s attention through reports on television, newspapers, and online media, and spreads to other brands to create a linkage effect, leading consumers, government agencies, or the media to The in-depth mining of common phenomena within the industry has transformed the entire industry's competitive landscape, making the industry more standardized and benign. Now, if the testing department, the industrial and commercial department, or the media and consumers, extend the entire line of sight to the furniture industry for speculation and excavation, I would like to be sure that more Leonardo da Vinci will surface and consumers will become More rational, then those da Vinci who have not yet surfaced will quickly die. Of course, the most ideal state is that consumers, the media, and government agencies join forces to crack down on the vicious competition and bad behavior in the furniture market, and actively promote the sound and healthy development of the furniture industry.

In the end the furniture industry will not have a shuffle? In the end the confidence crisis in the furniture industry will not happen? In the end the furniture industry will not be safe eggs? We will wait and see!

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