Experts Highly Debug Genetically Modified Foods to Increase Public Concerns

Since the Ministry of Agriculture approved the import of three genetically modified soybeans on June 13, the debate over genetically modified foods has not stopped. Recently, agricultural experts first shouted at the forum in Beijing for genetic modification, and then passed the test to form a genetically correct name. It is a conclusive statement that the genetically modified crop is safe and reliable. Nearly a thousand volunteers have tasted GM rice this year. Interestingly, in the same period, at an international seminar on food safety held in Kunming, experts and scholars from many countries consistently opposed the use of GM foods. Since the cognition of the scientific community still stands alone, how safe is it is a conclusion.

Let's take a look at the reasons why experts have been able to support genetic modification: Americans are the most grown and eaten most. What are we afraid of? In May, 2 million people in more than 50 countries, including the United States, gathered to protest Monsanto's genetically modified foods. People's Daily reporters interviewed ordinary people in the United States. Most of them also opposed it. They hope that the government will not be controlled by big companies. The EU is even more cautious. To date, only two genetically modified crops have been allowed to grow, and most countries oppose it. Italy also recently signed an ordinance prohibiting the cultivation of genetically modified corn from the United States.

Understand the situation in foreign countries, you can understand that the domestic people and some experts are not worrying. Scientists can eat genetically modified foods themselves and can chant flags for genetically modified foods, but you cannot say that the people are ignorant and ignorant. In June, U.S. farmland discovered genetically modified wheat, and many countries immediately blocked imports. This alone is enough to prove that the attitude towards "genetic modification" needs to be more cautious.

To promote genetic modification, we must pay attention to the common people's concerns and carefully release and transparently sell them. Although China requires all genetically modified foods to be identified, the media investigated that most of the foods were secretly sold. China Consumers Association pointed out that the sale of genetically modified foods should respect the consumer's right to know. The law should specify that non-disclosure is fraud. GM food safety is a matter of scientific argument. Eating or not eating is a consumer's own business. It cannot deprive the right to know and choose. If genetically modified foods are safe, they should be sold honestly. Otherwise, the louder the expert’s voice shouts, the greater the suspicion of the people.

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