Animal venom can harm people and help people

â– Editor speak

In the sci-fi movie Spider-Man, we saw the terrible power of "venom." In the animal world, many animals, including insects, use venom to poison their prey. When we talk about Spider-Man's main enemy "venom" and the venom weapons of the animal world, there will always be a series of terrible sights in our minds, such as being bitten by spiders and snakes or being stung by bees. All of this will cause us to be panic-stricken because the attack by these animals is not only a matter of physical pain, but their venom will also cause potential damage to our health. In fact, some animal venoms may also be beneficial to human health.

Animal venom contains hundreds of different ingredients, some of which are not harmful toxins as we think they are. Venom is a chemical mixture with high biological activity. It can provide scientists with important natural resources for various chemical researches. Some of their research results can be converted into therapeutic drugs. From scorpions to spider venom, and from venom to bee venom, many researchers are looking for ways to use the beneficial side of these animal venoms. Listed below are five common animal venoms with medicinal use.

â–  kill venom venom can cure brain cancer

Homicide originating in North Africa and the Middle East has become an extremely dangerous animal because of the terrible venom. Their venom is a neurotoxin that kills children and the elderly, usually causing pulmonary edema. Recently, Zhang Miqin, a materials scientist at the University of Washington, and his team found that a compound in the killer venom can help treat brain cancer.

According to a research paper published in the monthly "ACS Nano," Zhang Miqin found a way to use the so-called "chlorotoxin" (although the name is poisonous but not toxic). The ingredients help to treat brain cancer. In the implementation of gene therapy, doctors will inject a small amount of healthy DNA attached to the nanoparticles into the patient's body, the DNA will move toward the location of the tumor, repair or replace the gene mutation caused by cancer.

The problem is that many of the substances that are currently used to transport DNA cannot effectively do this work or have potential side effects. By attaching the chlorotoxin to the nanoparticle, Zhang Miqin and her team significantly increased the number of therapeutic DNA sequences that entered the cancer cell, more than using nanoparticle instead of chlorotoxin.

â–  Bee venom can also treat cancer

In a similar study, Samuel Vicrina, a biomedical engineer at the University of Washington School of Medicine, performed a protein called melittin in bee venom (which often causes inflammation after bruising). Transformation. Like chlorotoxins, melittin also helps deliver therapeutic compounds into damaged cells. Vicrina combines this compound with a nanoparticle film to attack the target more effectively without compromising the drug's normal therapeutic effect. For melittin this protein, the scientist's primary concern is to use it as an anticancer therapy.

â–  Chilean tarantula venom can treat muscular dystrophy

Frederick Saatches, a biophysicist at the University of Buffalo in the United States, has been studying the function of muscle cell membrane ion channels to see what happens to muscle tissue when these channels are opened and closed. He has been searching for a compound that can inhibit these channels. After no discovery of known drug compounds, Sachets and his team turned their attention to Chilean tarantula. This is a relatively harmless spider and is more common in pet shops. Their venom toxicity is minimal and does not cause damage to humans. When they studied red wolf spider venom, they found a peptide called "GsMtx-4".

Satches et al. found that GsMtx-4 can successfully close the ion channel and relieve muscle pressure. In patients with muscular malnutrition (which can turn children into lice), it is common for muscles to experience excessive mechanical stress. After injecting synthetic GsMtx-4 into laboratory mice suffering from muscular dystrophy, Sarches discovered that the mice had increased muscle activity. Currently, Sarchez and his research team are waiting for approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for clinical trials.

â– Scorpion can be used for pancreatitis research

Like the peptide GsMtx-4 found in Tarantula Venom, a compound called "antarease" has become a useful medical tool because it can affect ion channels. Paul Fletcher of the University of East Carolina discovered this compound in the venom of Brazilian Astragalus. After being injured by this forceps, the injured often have pancreatitis.

The team found that antarease may be the cause of the disease. After injecting the purified antarease into the pancreas, this compound destroys the pancreas's control of digestive enzymes, insulin, and other proteins, causing pancreatitis to occur. Pancreatitis is usually caused by stones and alcoholism. Recent studies have shown that pancreatitis may be a precursor to pancreatic cancer. Fletcher hopes to use the research on narcotics and antarease to find out more about the pathology of pancreatitis and eventually find a more ideal treatment.

â–  Cobra venom can treat arthritis

The Indian cobra is one of the most common snakes in Southeast Asia. In India, as many as 10,000 people die every year because of snake bites. The vast majority of them are cobras. Despite being a very dangerous animal, cobra venom has also been used to treat a variety of diseases in India's traditional medical system, Ayurveda Medicine, and it has been for thousands of years. A recent study found that this kind of treatment similar to witch doctors has its scientific side.

In early 2010, physicist Anthony Gomos of the University of Calcutta, India, and his research team published a paper in the Toxicon magazine that described the role of this venom in improving the symptoms of arthritis. In the course of the study, they first let male mice suffer from arthritis, and then injected non-lethal doses of single spot cobra venom into them. The results showed that rats' arthritis symptoms were greatly improved.

â–  Wen / Yang Xiaowen

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