How to manage water and fertilizer in pepper seedlings?

Water and fertilizer management during seedling stage is critical for cultivating strong seedlings. The roots of pepper seedlings are small and small, and their absorption capacity is weak. The seedling bed must have sufficient water and not too wet. The seedbed is poured into the bottom water during sowing. Generally, the seedlings can be maintained, but the seedling bed should be covered with 2~3 times of wet fine soil to prevent cracks in the seedbed when the seedbed is knotted and the seedlings are unearthed. The cover soil should be selected at noon on a sunny day with a high temperature. The thickness of each cover soil should be 0.5 cm. However, if the bed soil is too dry, it can be properly watered with a watering can, but it should not be too large. Because the ground temperature is low at this time, such as excessive humidity, it is prone to collapse. If the humidity of the seedbed is too large, it can be sprinkled with fine soil or hay wood ash while enhancing ventilation. Peppers should be watered immediately after seedlings. It is not advisable to re-water the seedlings before they grow new roots (7~10 days), and then water them according to the dry and wet conditions of the soil.
In the case of pepper seedlings, the seedbed soil is applied to the bottom fertilizer, and the seedling stage is generally not topdressed. However, if the seedbed soil is insufficient and the seedlings are weak, the topdressing should be combined with watering. The way to add water and fertilizer is to choose sunny weather, watering or pouring manure at noon, or foliar fertilizer. The amount of watering fertilizer should be less, and it should be applied in 2~3 times to meet the growth requirements of seedlings.

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