Guiding Opinions on Scientific Fertilization Technology for Winter Wheat in North China Plain

1. Fertilizer management principle
(1) According to the characteristics of wheat varieties, the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer applied in the early and late stages should be adjusted appropriately, and the strong gluten wheat should be moved backwards. According to the application of base (base) fertilizer, seedling condition and soil fertility status, the amount and time of topdressing were scientifically determined, and the seedlings were topdressed due to seedlings.

(2) According to the soil moisture and water retention and fertilizer conservation capacity, the irrigation water consumption and time should be reasonably determined to achieve the combination of water and fertilizer management.

(3) Grasp the favorable opportunity of soil thawing in early spring and wheat to green jointing, timely adopting measures to promote the control of weak seedlings, increase the rate of ear formation, and control the long field to prevent the late fall.

2. Fertilizer management guidance
(1) Before returning to green, the total number of stems per acre is less than 450,000. The three types of wheat fields with lighter leaf color and poor growth should be managed in time for fertilizer and water, and spring topdressing can be carried out twice. For the first time in the greening period, 5~8 kg of urea was applied per acre with the watering; the second time was 5~10 kg of urea per acre with the watering at the jointing stage.

(2) Before returning to green, the total number of stems per acre is between 45,000 and 600,000, and the second group of wheat fields with a small population is 10 to 15 kilograms of urea per acre combined with watering in the wheat body. The wheat field with insufficient wheat seedlings can be topdressed and watered in the early stage of the rise to the middle of the body. The suitable wheat field should be topdressed and watered in the late stage.

(3) Before returning to green, the total number of stems per acre is between 60,000 and 800,000. A suitable group of wheat fields can be combined with watering for 12 to 15 kilograms per acre during jointing.

(4) Before returning to green, the total number of stems per acre is more than 800,000, the color of leaves is dark green, and there is a tendency to grow. The cultivating should be carried out during the regreening period, delaying the application of nitrogen fertilizer and reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, controlling the population and preventing lodging. It is late with greed. Generally, 8~10 kg of urea can be applied per acre in the late stage of jointing.

(5) Dryland wheat fields without watering conditions should be combined with refining and raking to improve the drought resistance of wheat. In the early spring, the soil is returned to the pulp or rain, and 5~7 kg of urea is applied per acre with fertilizer or ditch. If the rain occurs in the middle and late stages of growth, the urea can be applied 5-8 kg per mu.

(6) It is necessary to apply diammonium phosphate to the base fertilizer without applying phosphate fertilizer or phosphorus deficiency field. If there is no irrigation condition or no effective precipitation, it can be sprayed with urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the spring to play the role of fertilizer.

(7) Conditional areas can spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate, boron fertilizer and zinc fertilizer on the foliar surface of wheat during grain filling, prevent dry hot air and lodging, increase grouting strength and increase grain weight.

(8) In the wheat field of sulfur-deficient area, if the base fertilizer is not applied with superphosphate, potassium sulfate or sulfur-based compound fertilizer, the ammonium sulfate should be applied in the first topdressing, and the amount of sulfur applied per mu is about 2 kg.
Ministry of Industry Soil Testing and Formulation Fertilization Technology Expert Group
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