The main reason for the pitfalls of decoration is to know

Renovated people all know that the decoration process is constantly making decisions: what kind of home improvement company to use; what kind of materials to use; how much money to spend and so on. This is definitely a process of rational thinking and analysis. The most fundamental reason for encountering a trap is to think carefully, and it must be because of a momentary belief. Experts suggest that 7 kinds of negligence will directly affect your decision.

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Negligence 1, credulous advertising

Any company or product advertised must ask a professional planning company to plan and package it. If the advertisement is not good-looking, it will lose the meaning of advertising. Advertisements only provide you with a convenient, not credulous, to investigate the actuality of advertising content, if you meet the actual can be believed, do not believe not in compliance, so you can avoid the first risk.

Negligent 2, acquaintance, friend introduction

Many consumers often care for their friends in their home furnishings. They did not expect to experience high prices, quality, delays in the construction period, and continuous increase in investment. Consumers are not yet able to say anything. After a dispute arises, friends have no use, no contracts, no Budget, very passive.

Negligence 3, unverified company's authenticity

Sina real estate home improvement consumers from the following aspects to investigate and verify the company's situation, personally check the business license, qualification certificate, must see, and look at the original; if it is a large company affiliated with some departments, we must only look at the corporate commissioned The original book; Do not only look at or believe in the copy, because a considerable part of the complaint is fraudulent use of other business licenses and qualification certificates or the use of private seal; the scale of business premises. Under normal circumstances, as long as we focus on these points, fake, self-proclaimed big companies will be exposed.

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