Fertilizer characteristics of winter melon and fertilization techniques

Need fertilizer characteristics Winter melon is strong in fertility, high in yield, and requires a lot of fertilizer. In particular, the demand for phosphate fertilizer is more than that of ordinary vegetables, and the amount of potassium fertilizer is relatively small. According to the research, for every 5000 kilograms of winter melon produced, it needs to absorb 15-18 kg of nitrogen, 12-13 kg of phosphorus and 12-15 kg of potassium, and the ratio of the three is about 1.3:1:1.
Fertilization technology 1 base fertilizer. Winter melons grow long, and the peak period of fertilizer needs is also long, so the base fertilizer should be adequate. The base fertilizer is mainly composed of high-quality organic fertilizer. Generally, 5,000 hectares of high-quality ring fertilizer is fully used per 1/15 hectare (1 mu), combined with land preparation. 2 topdressing. In the south, the winter melon topdressing is generally dominated by dilute manure, while in the north it is dominated by fully decomposed high-quality manure and quick-acting fertilizer. The whole growth period generally requires 4 times of topdressing. The previous topdressing is mainly nitrogen, and the middle and late stage is mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium quick-acting compound fertilizer. When the base fertilizer is sufficient, the first top dressing should not be too early. In the south, the third true leaf is usually flattened, and the north is mostly in the fifth to sixth true leaf stage. Each of the vines is about 1 meter long and 2 meters each. The fourth top dressing is in the flowering result period. Stop the supply of fertilizer and water 10 to 15 days before harvesting.
Winter melon topdressing is based on the principle of less before and after, generally 30% of the top dressing before the vine, and about 70% of the flowering result. Topdressing should be applied as a point or strip. For every 1/15 hectare, 45 kg of urea, 50 kg of superphosphate and 25 kg of potassium sulfate should be recovered. Top dressing can also use high-quality organic fertilizer, 75 kg per 1/15 hectare, or 4000 kg of dilute water.
Huaxian Liu Huimin
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