How to do kiwi soft rot

With the increase in sales of kiwifruit, farmers who grow kiwifruit are also gradually increasing. When planting kiwifruit, farmers often encounter kiwi soft rot. The following small series is a simple introduction to the prevention and treatment of kiwi soft rot.

Kiwi soft rot symptoms

In the early stage of the disease, there is no difference in the appearance of the diseased fruit and the fruit. The fruit of the disease is soft and soft in the middle and late stages. The peel is browned from the olive green, and then spreads to the periphery, causing the whole fruit to turn into a dirty brown. It is in the form of a paste. The fruit of the disease was yellow-green to light green-brown, and the fruit of the health was tender and green; the fruit and meat of the disease were separated, and the pulp was broken into bacteria by the bacteria except the fruit column. The juice was yellowish brown. Alkyd and rancid. Taking a microscopic examination, there are a lot of bacteria.

The occurrence of kiwifruit soft rot

The soft rot pathogens overwinter on the dead branches and fruit stalks with mycelium, conidia and ascospores. After the winter, the mycelium and conidia recovered in the spring of the second year, and spores were formed between April and June, which became the source of initial infection. Rainwater is the main medium of infection. From June to August, the spores are more scattered, and the spore propagation range of the bacteria is generally less than 10 meters, but when there is strong wind, it can be transmitted to a farther place. Conidia are easy to germinate in clear water, infecting from dermal pores for 24 hours, easy to infect young fruit, and then infecting until harvesting. After the invasion of the pathogen, the hyphae are latent in the tissue near the peel, the fruit is immature, the mycelial development is restricted, and the appearance does not show symptoms. However, the mycelium spread continuously in the fruit tissue, and since then, the symptoms have appeared. Once the disease occurs before the harvest, it will produce fruit; when it is stored, it will produce ethylene and adversely affect the storage of other fruits; when the fruit is taken out of the warehouse, it will cause local softening and affect food consumption. The pathogen is the main disease affecting the storage of kiwifruit. Generally, the cold storage is mainly caused by the storage period within 2 months, and it rarely occurs in more than two months.

Kiwifruit soft rot prevention and control measures

(1) Choose a place where the soil layer is deep, fertile, well drained, and has good ventilation and lighting conditions. Add organic Fertilizer, improve soil, enhance tree potential, and improve disease resistance. Branches, dead branches, fruit stems, leaves, etc. after winter shearing should be burned or buried deeply, and the garden should be thoroughly cleared.

(2) 6 - July, for bagging fruit, fruit to be noted that before bagging, fungicide spraying tree; Night appropriate mining, harvest index is normally soluble solids content of 6.5%, in order to reduce soft rot The fruit rate can be harvested in the middle and late maturity varieties at 8%-9% soluble solid content, which can greatly reduce the storage risk, and the storage performance of the stored fruit will be better and the quality will be more assured.

(3) During the period from May to July in which the soft rot spores are scattered, two times 50% of the WP 1500 times of the wettable powder is sprayed. Spray 100% thiophanate-methyl 100 times solution 1-2 weeks before harvest. Or post-harvest with 3.5% Tecto (thiabendazole) smoke agent, according to the dose of 100 kilograms of fresh fruit 100 grams of preparation.

(4) Strictly select before storage; double-pick the frozen fruit storage to 30 days and 60 days, and remove the fruit and diseased fruit.

More pesticide knowledge , please pay attention to China Pesticide Network

Used to prevent, destroy or control diseases, insects, grasses and other harmful organisms that endanger agriculture and forestry, as well as chemically synthesize or biologically derived, purposefully regulate, control, and affect the metabolism, growth, development, and reproduction of plants and pests. Other natural products and a substance produced by the use of biotechnology or a mixture of several substances and preparations thereof. In a narrow sense, it refers to a generic term for a class of drugs used in agricultural production to protect and promote the growth of plants and crops, and to kill insecticides, sterilize, and kill harmful animals (or weeds). Specifically, it is used in agriculture to control pests and diseases, and to regulate plant growth, weeding and other agents.

First, prevent decomposition. The place where the pesticide is stored should be cool, dry and ventilated. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. It is also necessary to keep away from the fire source to prevent the agent from decomposing at high temperature.

Second, to prevent evaporation. Since most pesticides are volatile, it is necessary to pay attention to the sealing measures when storing pesticides, to avoid evaporation, to reduce the efficacy, to pollute the environment, and to endanger human health.

Third, to prevent misuse. Pesticides should be concentrated in one place, marked, and bottled pesticides broken. Replace the packaging and label it to prevent misuse.

Fourth, to prevent failure. Powder pesticides should be placed in a dry place to prevent moisture agglomeration and failure.

Fifth, to prevent poisoning. Pesticides should not be stored in the same room as grain, oil, beans, seeds, vegetables, food, and animal feed, with special care not to be placed where children can reach.

Sixth, to prevent deterioration. Pesticides should be classified and stored. According to chemical composition, pesticides can be divided into three categories: acidic, alkaline and neutral. These three types of pesticides should be stored separately, not too close to prevent the deterioration of pesticides; nor can they be stored together with alkaline substances, ammonium bicarbonate or ammonium nitrate.

Seven, to prevent fires. Do not put pesticides and flammable and explosive materials together, such as smokers, gasoline, etc., to prevent fires.

Eight, to prevent freezing. Keep the temperature at a low temperature and keep the temperature above 1 °C. A common method of antifreeze is to cover the insulation with firewood, clam shells or unused quilts.

9. Prevent pollution of the environment. A small amount of pesticide that has failed or remains cannot be dumped in the field, and it cannot be poured into ponds, streams, rivers or wells. It is also not allowed to increase the concentration and use it. It should be deeply buried to avoid polluting the environment.

Ten, prevent sun exposure. Pesticides in brown bottles generally need to be stored in the dark. Pesticides that need to be protected from light, if exposed to light for a long time, will cause decomposition and deterioration of pesticides. For example, after the sunscreen of the emulsion pesticide, the emulsifying property is deteriorated and the efficacy is lowered. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight during storage.

XI. Prevent mixing. The pesticide is acid, medium and alkaline. Acidic dichlorvos, bromethrin, etc.; neutral triazophos, insecticidal double, sputum net, sharp Jinte, etc.; alkaline Bordeaux liquid, stone sulfur mixture, agricultural streptomycin, thiabium copper and so on. These three different types of pesticides should be stored separately during storage in winter (preferably 2 meters or more apart), and the two kinds of agricultural drugs that cannot be used can not be mixed in one bottle to avoid failure.

Pesticide Raw Materials

Pesticide Raw Materials,organic pesticide,biological pesticide

Jinan Huijinchuan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. ,