Open field pepper "three-phase" å’‹ fertilization

In the early stage of fruit setting, the plants enter a vigorous growth period, and watering and fertilization should be kept up. Usually, water is poured once every two weeks and fertilized with water. Each time you can apply 10 kg of ammonium sulfate or 800 kg of human feces. The fruits in the lower part of the plant should be harvested in time, especially the pepper, and the harvest can be advanced in advance. Watering is carried out in a small number of ways, and the water in the field is removed in time after heavy rain. After the rain is fine, it is necessary to spray medicine early to prevent the spread of diseases such as anthrax and diseases.
Watering should be carried out during the fruiting period, and the amount of water should be small to avoid affecting the air permeability of the soil. The fruity period of pepper is the hot and rainy season, and it is necessary to apply fertilizer continuously, usually with water. After heavy rain, it is necessary to pour water in time to improve soil aeration and promote root respiration. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate the soil at the base of the plant, and the soil should not be too high, about 13 cm.
In the late harvesting period, the second peak of pepper production is formed. It is necessary to pour water once every 7-8 days and apply 2-3 times of fertilizer with water. With “watering”, 20 kg of diammonium phosphate per acre is applied; when “white dew”, 500 kg of human dung is applied with watering; when “autumn”, 300 kg is applied per acre with watering. Human dung is thin. In the late harvest, it is necessary to remove the yellow leaves of the lower part of the pepper in time, and remove the long branches or the branches of the inner layer to facilitate ventilation and light transmission.
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