Remedy for peanut iron deficiency

I. Symptoms of iron deficiency: When the peanut is deficient in iron, the disease is manifested from the tip of the new leaf. The new leaf is chlorotic, and the chlorosis is partially detached between the veins. Only the veins remain green in the veins, and the veins are also faded in severe cases. Green, forming albino seedlings.
Second, the cause of iron deficiency: the general soil is not lack of iron, but there are many factors affecting effective iron in the soil, such as alkaline soil, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, high pH, ​​make iron insoluble The precipitation of iron hydroxide or the formation of carbonates with low solubility reduces the effectiveness of iron. In addition, the rainy season has increased the leaching of iron ions. At this time, it is a long-term peanut, and the demand for iron is large, which is easy to cause iron deficiency.
Third, the iron deficiency remedy: First, the basic soluble ferrous sulfate (also known as black sputum), its iron content 19% -20%, 0.3-0.5kg per acre, preferably with organic fertilizer or Mixed application of superphosphate. Second, soaking seeds with 0.1% ferrous sulfate aqueous solution for 12 hours before sowing. The third is to spray 0.2% aqueous solution of ferrous sulfate in the pod-forming period, and spray the leaves continuously for 2-3 times, every 7 days.
Huaxian County Shang Hongyan
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