Soy formula fertilization technology

1, base fertilizer. The base fertilizer is mainly based on farmyard manure, and mixed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Generally, 20 acres of farmer's fertilizer, 2.5 kg of urea, 20-25 kg of superphosphate, and about half a month of composting, add 2 to 3 ash of planting ash when planting, mix well, ditch or apply. 2, seed fertilizer. The fertilizer is applied without the application of base fertilizer or a small amount of base fertilizer. Generally, 10 to 15 kg of calcium phosphate or 5 kg of ammonium phosphate per acre is applied. The depth of fertilization is 8 to 10 cm, and the seed is 6 to 8 cm.
Top dressing: Whether soybeans are topdressed with nitrogen fertilizer depends on the previous fertilization situation. If the base fertilizer is not applied and the soil fertility level is low, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer can be applied at the initial flowering stage. Generally, 4-5 kg ​​of urea per mu is applied, and the distance between the top and bottom of the soybean plant should be about 10 cm. When the soil is deficient in phosphorus, the phosphate fertilizer should be supplemented in the top dressing. The ammonium phosphate is the ideal nitrogen and phosphorus topdressing of soybean. Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer to plots with high soil fertility levels. The top dressing can be in the full flowering stage or the final flowering stage. Multipurpose urea and ammonium molybdate. Urea is applied for 1 to 2 kg, potassium dihydrogen phosphate is 75 to 100 g, and water is added to 40 to 50 kg.
Huaxian County Shang Hongyan
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