Apple plans to test "Project Titan" driverless car at former California Naval Base

According to foreign media reports, it seems that the development of Apple's driverless cars has progressed quite rapidly. Recently, it was reported that Apple plans to rent a land on the GoMentum site near San Francisco as a "Project Titan" driverless car. Test site. GoMentum used to be a naval base, and Apple plans to rent a floor area of ​​2,100 acres. The message also confirmed that Apple, which was exposed in March this year, is developing a driverless car. According to the source, "Project Titan" is Apple's top secret project, codenamed SG5.

Many people have always believed that SixtyEight Research is Apple's shell company. According to relevant documents, the company purchased a 1957 Fiat Multipla 600, and Apple's chief designer's love for Fiat has always been well known.

It was learned that Apple engineer Frank Fearon took over the land lease of GoMentum. The GoMentum base is located in the Concord Naval Weapons Station, which has a full range of facilities, including highway overpasses, railroad crossings, and road testing elements for other driverless cars. And in April of this year, Honda also tested the self-developed driverless car here.

Surprisingly, Randy Iwasaki, an executive from GoMentum's base holder, actually admitted to the matter of talking with Apple. As for whether he had talked about it, he did not disclose it. He said that they signed a confidentiality agreement with Apple, so they could not provide more information.

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